Stansbery Seed and Service
Leading-Edge Seed Solutions for Superior Yields and Maximum Savings
Talk to your local Pioneer Sales Rep for your seed purchase and then let Stansbery Seed and Service show you how to maximize your savings using Corteva Chemistry as your crop protection solution.
We offer TruChoice Financing on all Corteva products. Make your Corteva crop protection purchases to maximize your savings.

Stansbery Seed and Service offers bulk and packaged chemistry solutions.
To list a few of the new advantages Pioneer Hi-Bred brings to local growers includes:
- Wide variety of high performing seed including Non-GMO Corn and soybeans.
- Numerous technology segments for corn such as AQUAmax, QROME, AcreMax, AcreMax Xtreme, and new for 2025 Vorceed Enlist corn.
- Pioneer also offers growers the opportunity to participate in the Plenish High ELEIC Soybean Program. Varieties come with the Glyphosate Tolerant Trait. Premiums available include $1.30/Bushel for Harvest Delivery for the 2024 crop year. Stay in touch with us to sign up for the program in 2025.
- Independent sales backed by local research and development.
- Flexible purchase options including financing and deferred payments.
- An industry leading re-plant policy to alleviate risk.